| 1. | Differential treatment in international investment law 国际投资法中的差别待遇初探 |
| 2. | The impact of wto agreements on china ' s international investment law 协定对我国国际投资法的影响 |
| 3. | It is also intended to provide an independent , non - official view , which might be of help to those researchers majoring in international investment law 新旧交汇、世纪更始,全球一体化与区域化的大趋势,已然成为世界各国的共识,并且成为学界研究的焦点问题之一。 |
| 4. | This article explores various differences and conflicts across international investment laws and discusses how to make coordination through conflict of laws and uniform substantive laws 本文探讨了国际投资法律之间存在的各种差异和冲突,论述了如何利用冲突法方法和统一实体法方法对此进行协调。 |
| 5. | In the field of international investment law , fdi if often divided into two parts : admission of fdi and operation of fdi . in the point of host nations , the market access of fdi means they could decide the kind , the condition and the examination of fdi 在国际投资法理论与立法上,通常把外国投资活动以外国投资机构建立为准,大致划分为两个阶段:即外商投资准入阶段和外资运营阶段。 |
| 6. | In this background , international institutions such as unctad , wto , imf and oecd made active efforts to develop international investment rules , and enacted some legal documents witch found the basis of international investment law 在这样的背景之下,联合国贸发会议、世界贸易组织、国际货币基金组织和经合组织等国际机构,先后为国际投资的发展作出了积极的努力,制定了一批规范性法律文件。 |
| 7. | Whereas this , the article makes a primary research on the international investment law in shipping industry ( i . e . iilsi ) , and analyses the relative legal system in national and wto law in order to provide a sound basis for further research in the future 有鉴于此,本文初步探讨了国际航运投资法的基础理论,对国内法与wto法中与国际航运投资相关的法律制度做出了述评,以期为今后的深入研究奠定基础。 |
| 8. | I . wto trims " impact on international investment laws . centering round the basic legislative problems of international investment in wto agreements , this part analyses relationship between trade and foreign investment , wto agreements and international investment laws . ii 第一部分,围绕wto协定关于国际投资法理基础问题,分析贸易与投资关系和wto协定与国际投资法的关系,阐述wto协定对国际投资法的影响。 |
| 9. | Whereas this , the article makes a primary research on the international investment law in shipping industry ( i . e . iilsi ) , and analyses the relative legal system in national and wto law in order to provide a sound basis for further research in the future 有鉴于此,本文从学科构建高度,初步探讨了国际航运投资法的基础理论,对国内法与wto法中与国际航运投资相关的法律制度做出了述评,以期为今后的深入研究奠定基础。 |
| 10. | Based on the query of the traditional definition of international investment law , the article defines iilsi as " a general name of the laws , which also is an important branch of international investment law , adjusting all kinds of national or international relations resulting from internationally direct investments by private perso ns in shipping industry 文章在对传统“国际投资法”定义提出质疑的基础上,将“国际航运投资法”重新定义为“是调整航运业领域基于国际间私人直接投资活动而产生的各种国内关系与国际关系的法律规范的总称,是国际投资法的一个重要分支。 ” |